NTE292 Transistor
Transistor PNP Silicon 130V IC="4A" TO-220 Case General Purcpose AMP + Switch Compl To NTE291
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Product Details
This part is the equivalent replacement for the following:
0010-0041, 001-022080, 001-022090, 01H1004, 020426-003, 020426-004, 0502-000242, 0502000242, 06100007, 06100008, 06110027, 06110032, 0615, 09-301081, 1063-5646, 1169-7653, 121-1009, 121-1112, 121-1112-01, 121-969, 121-988, 121-988-02, 121-994, 121-Z9048, 13-14085-153, 13301, 13-3404704, 13-40341-1, 13-41629-4, 150000, 179890, 1853-0052, 1853-0392, 1853-0406, 1853-0537, 188-12(ADMIRAL), 1A08146, 1B05362, 2139-103-5705, 21A112-125, 21A112-126, 22-0030, 22-0031, 2200403, 2200404, 23114992, 2321381, 2321763, 260P34008, 2N6022, 2N6024, 2N6025, 2N6026, 2N6312, 2N6313, 2N6314, 2N6467, 2N6475, 2N6476, 2SA1008, 2SA1008K, 2SA1008L, 2SA1008M, 2SA1395 (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), 2SA1395K (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), 2SA1395L (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), 2SA1395M (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), 2SA1488 (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), 2SA1488A (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), 2SA1658 (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), 2SA671, 2SA671A, 2SA671B, 2SA671C, 2SA671K, 2SA671KA, 2SA671KB, 2SA671KC, 2SA698, 2SA740, 2SA740A, 2SA740AB, 2SA748, 2SA775, 2SA775A, 2SA775AA, 2SA775AB, 2SA775AC, 2SA775B, 2SA775C, 2SA794A, 2SA795, 2SA814, 2SA814-O, 2SA814-Y, 2SA815, 2SA815-O, 2SA815-Y, 2SA914, 2SA951, 2SA951-10, 2SA951KA, 2SA951KD, 2SA951LC, 2SA951MV, 2SB1017 (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), 2SB1017-O (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), 2SB1017O, 2SB1017-R (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), 2SB1038 (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), 2SB1038K (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), 2SB1038L (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), 2SB1038M (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), 2SB1039 (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), 2SB1094 (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), 2SB1095 (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), 2SB1095K (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), 2SB1095L (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), 2SB1095M (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), 2SB1368 (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), 2SB505, 2SB526, 2SB526C, 2SB526D, 2SB527, 2SB527C, 2SB527D, 2SB527E, 2SB528, 2SB528C, 2SB528D, 2SB536, 2SB536A, 2SB536K, 2SB536L, 2SB536M, 2SB537K, 2SB537L, 2SB566, 2SB566-04, 2SB566A, 2SB566AB, 2SB566AC, 2SB566AK, 2SB566AKB, 2SB566AKC, 2SB566B, 2SB566D, 2SB566K, 2SB566KB, 2SB566KC, 2SB609, 2SB609B, 2SB609C, 2SB609D, 2SB631, 2SB676, 2SB682, 2SB682B, 2SB682C, 2SB689, 2SB690, 2SB690B, 2SB690C, 2SB703, 2SB703A, 2SB703Q, 2SB781, 2SB782, 2SB783, 2SB813, 2SB859B, 2SB859C, 2SB989, 2SB989O, 2SB989R, 305-001020, 305-001021, 305-002010, 305-02010, 305-4(RCA), 334-1027, 35024811, 35024812, 35C0640, 35C0642, 35C0738, 41629004, 46-86534-3, 4822-130-63412 (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), 482213063412 (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), 497-2538-5-ND, 497-2588-5-ND, 497-2610-5-ND, 497-2628-5-ND, 506567, 511110S, 518-2(SYL), 5320961, 561-6954-030, 57A188-12, 57A310-14, 57B188-12, 57B310-14, 610395-2, 6190100830, 6190100831, 6190101680, 662271-2, 720-52, 72117-101, 86-5176-2, 87-0229, 8-729-326-82, 8-729-652-82, 8-764-510-00, 8-765-510-00, 921-430, 935-6134, 95KUAB0015AM (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), 991-020426-0, 991-020426-003, 991-020426-004, A1008, A1008K, A1008L, A1008M, A1395K(TRANS) (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), A1395L(TRANS) (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), A1395M(TRANS) (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), A1395(TRANS) (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), A1488 (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), A1488A (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), A1488A(TRANS) (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), A1488(TRANS) (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), A1658(TRANS) (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), A21A112126, A490-O, A6532300, A671, A671A, A671B, A671C, A671K, A671KA, A671KB, A671KC, A740, A740A, A740AB, A769, A775, A775A, A775AA, A775AB, A775AC, A775B, A775C, A814, A814-O, A814-Y, A815, A815-O, A815-Y, B1017-O (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), B1017O, B1017-R (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), B1038K(TRANS) (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), B1038L(TRANS) (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), B1038M(TRANS) (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), B1038(TRANS) (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), B1039(TRANS) (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), B1094(TRANS) (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), B1095 (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), B1095K(TRANS) (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), B1095L(TRANS) (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), B1095M(TRANS) (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), B1095(TRANS) (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), B1368(TRANS) (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), B526D, B527, B527C, B527D, B527E, B528, B528C, B528D, B528E, B536, B536A, B536K, B536L, B536M, B537, B537K, B537L, B546, B546EX, B546I, B546K, B566, B566-04, B566A, B566AB, B566AC, B566AK, B566AKB, B566AKC, B566B, B566C, B566D, B566K, B566KB, B566KC, B568, B568C, B568D, B568WT, B609, B609B, B609C, B609D, B682, B682B, B682C, B689, B690, B690B, B690C, B703A(TRANS), B703Q(TRANS), B703(TRANS), B781(TRANS), B782(TRANS), B783(TRANS), B813(TRANS), B859B(TRANS), B859C(TRANS), B989O(TRANS), B989R(TRANS), B989(TRANS), BDT30, BDT30A, BDT30AF (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), BDT30B, BDT30BF (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), BDT30C, BDT30F (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), BDT32, BDT32A, BDT32AF (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), BDT32B, BDT32BF (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), BDT32C, BDT32CF (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), BDT32F (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), BS242C, DTM12, EAB00-08300, ECG292, EP431, GE-303, IA067190, IA081400, IA081420, IA081450, IA081460, IA081820, IA081870, IA091430, IB053620, IB53620, KSA614, KSA614-0, KSA614-Y, KSA614Y, KSB596, KTA1658 (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), KTB1368 (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), KTB596, KTB596R, NTE292, P8C, PHV1, RCA1C04, RCA1C13, RCA30B, RCA30C, REN292, SJ2585, SK3441, SK3441/292, SPS5451, ST-2SB568C, T1P30, T1P30A, T1P30B, T1P30C, T1P-32B, T1P32/B, T1P32B, T1P-32C, T1P32/C, T1P32C, TIP-30A, TIP30A, TIP-30B, TIP30B, TIP-30C, TIP30C, TIP-32A, TIP32/A, TIP32A, TIP-32B, TIP32/B, TIP32B, TIP-32C, TIP32/C, TIP32C, TIP62B, TIP62C, TM292, TVS2SB546, TZ1009, VS2SA740///1E, VS2SB566-C/-1, VS2SB568///-1, WEP781
0010-0041, 001-022080, 001-022090, 01H1004, 020426-003, 020426-004, 0502-000242, 0502000242, 06100007, 06100008, 06110027, 06110032, 0615, 09-301081, 1063-5646, 1169-7653, 121-1009, 121-1112, 121-1112-01, 121-969, 121-988, 121-988-02, 121-994, 121-Z9048, 13-14085-153, 13301, 13-3404704, 13-40341-1, 13-41629-4, 150000, 179890, 1853-0052, 1853-0392, 1853-0406, 1853-0537, 188-12(ADMIRAL), 1A08146, 1B05362, 2139-103-5705, 21A112-125, 21A112-126, 22-0030, 22-0031, 2200403, 2200404, 23114992, 2321381, 2321763, 260P34008, 2N6022, 2N6024, 2N6025, 2N6026, 2N6312, 2N6313, 2N6314, 2N6467, 2N6475, 2N6476, 2SA1008, 2SA1008K, 2SA1008L, 2SA1008M, 2SA1395 (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), 2SA1395K (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), 2SA1395L (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), 2SA1395M (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), 2SA1488 (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), 2SA1488A (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), 2SA1658 (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), 2SA671, 2SA671A, 2SA671B, 2SA671C, 2SA671K, 2SA671KA, 2SA671KB, 2SA671KC, 2SA698, 2SA740, 2SA740A, 2SA740AB, 2SA748, 2SA775, 2SA775A, 2SA775AA, 2SA775AB, 2SA775AC, 2SA775B, 2SA775C, 2SA794A, 2SA795, 2SA814, 2SA814-O, 2SA814-Y, 2SA815, 2SA815-O, 2SA815-Y, 2SA914, 2SA951, 2SA951-10, 2SA951KA, 2SA951KD, 2SA951LC, 2SA951MV, 2SB1017 (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), 2SB1017-O (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), 2SB1017O, 2SB1017-R (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), 2SB1038 (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), 2SB1038K (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), 2SB1038L (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), 2SB1038M (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), 2SB1039 (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), 2SB1094 (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), 2SB1095 (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), 2SB1095K (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), 2SB1095L (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), 2SB1095M (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), 2SB1368 (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), 2SB505, 2SB526, 2SB526C, 2SB526D, 2SB527, 2SB527C, 2SB527D, 2SB527E, 2SB528, 2SB528C, 2SB528D, 2SB536, 2SB536A, 2SB536K, 2SB536L, 2SB536M, 2SB537K, 2SB537L, 2SB566, 2SB566-04, 2SB566A, 2SB566AB, 2SB566AC, 2SB566AK, 2SB566AKB, 2SB566AKC, 2SB566B, 2SB566D, 2SB566K, 2SB566KB, 2SB566KC, 2SB609, 2SB609B, 2SB609C, 2SB609D, 2SB631, 2SB676, 2SB682, 2SB682B, 2SB682C, 2SB689, 2SB690, 2SB690B, 2SB690C, 2SB703, 2SB703A, 2SB703Q, 2SB781, 2SB782, 2SB783, 2SB813, 2SB859B, 2SB859C, 2SB989, 2SB989O, 2SB989R, 305-001020, 305-001021, 305-002010, 305-02010, 305-4(RCA), 334-1027, 35024811, 35024812, 35C0640, 35C0642, 35C0738, 41629004, 46-86534-3, 4822-130-63412 (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), 482213063412 (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), 497-2538-5-ND, 497-2588-5-ND, 497-2610-5-ND, 497-2628-5-ND, 506567, 511110S, 518-2(SYL), 5320961, 561-6954-030, 57A188-12, 57A310-14, 57B188-12, 57B310-14, 610395-2, 6190100830, 6190100831, 6190101680, 662271-2, 720-52, 72117-101, 86-5176-2, 87-0229, 8-729-326-82, 8-729-652-82, 8-764-510-00, 8-765-510-00, 921-430, 935-6134, 95KUAB0015AM (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), 991-020426-0, 991-020426-003, 991-020426-004, A1008, A1008K, A1008L, A1008M, A1395K(TRANS) (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), A1395L(TRANS) (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), A1395M(TRANS) (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), A1395(TRANS) (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), A1488 (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), A1488A (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), A1488A(TRANS) (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), A1488(TRANS) (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), A1658(TRANS) (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), A21A112126, A490-O, A6532300, A671, A671A, A671B, A671C, A671K, A671KA, A671KB, A671KC, A740, A740A, A740AB, A769, A775, A775A, A775AA, A775AB, A775AC, A775B, A775C, A814, A814-O, A814-Y, A815, A815-O, A815-Y, B1017-O (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), B1017O, B1017-R (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), B1038K(TRANS) (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), B1038L(TRANS) (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), B1038M(TRANS) (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), B1038(TRANS) (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), B1039(TRANS) (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), B1094(TRANS) (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), B1095 (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), B1095K(TRANS) (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), B1095L(TRANS) (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), B1095M(TRANS) (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), B1095(TRANS) (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), B1368(TRANS) (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), B526D, B527, B527C, B527D, B527E, B528, B528C, B528D, B528E, B536, B536A, B536K, B536L, B536M, B537, B537K, B537L, B546, B546EX, B546I, B546K, B566, B566-04, B566A, B566AB, B566AC, B566AK, B566AKB, B566AKC, B566B, B566C, B566D, B566K, B566KB, B566KC, B568, B568C, B568D, B568WT, B609, B609B, B609C, B609D, B682, B682B, B682C, B689, B690, B690B, B690C, B703A(TRANS), B703Q(TRANS), B703(TRANS), B781(TRANS), B782(TRANS), B783(TRANS), B813(TRANS), B859B(TRANS), B859C(TRANS), B989O(TRANS), B989R(TRANS), B989(TRANS), BDT30, BDT30A, BDT30AF (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), BDT30B, BDT30BF (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), BDT30C, BDT30F (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), BDT32, BDT32A, BDT32AF (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), BDT32B, BDT32BF (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), BDT32C, BDT32CF (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), BDT32F (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), BS242C, DTM12, EAB00-08300, ECG292, EP431, GE-303, IA067190, IA081400, IA081420, IA081450, IA081460, IA081820, IA081870, IA091430, IB053620, IB53620, KSA614, KSA614-0, KSA614-Y, KSA614Y, KSB596, KTA1658 (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), KTB1368 (Must use the insulating hardware supplied.), KTB596, KTB596R, NTE292, P8C, PHV1, RCA1C04, RCA1C13, RCA30B, RCA30C, REN292, SJ2585, SK3441, SK3441/292, SPS5451, ST-2SB568C, T1P30, T1P30A, T1P30B, T1P30C, T1P-32B, T1P32/B, T1P32B, T1P-32C, T1P32/C, T1P32C, TIP-30A, TIP30A, TIP-30B, TIP30B, TIP-30C, TIP30C, TIP-32A, TIP32/A, TIP32A, TIP-32B, TIP32/B, TIP32B, TIP-32C, TIP32/C, TIP32C, TIP62B, TIP62C, TM292, TVS2SB546, TZ1009, VS2SA740///1E, VS2SB566-C/-1, VS2SB568///-1, WEP781