JVC DT41 Replacement Stylus
0.7 mil Diamond Conical tip needle
or 33 or 45rpm NOT for 78rpm
1.7 – 2.3 grams tracking pressure
PM2945D, 772-D, 739-D7
Choose Quantity
Call Centre and pick up orders are available 10am to 3pm weekdays.
Inquiries about parts availability or order status should be emailed, emails are replied to 24/7
Weekdays : 10am to 3pm
emails: 24/7
117 Mallard Road
Unit 2
Haliburton, ON, K0M1S0
Phone: 855-762-6866
Fax: 855-846-7867
4283 Express Lane
Suite 597-628
Sarasota, Florida
USA, 34249