CAIG Deoxit GOLD Spray (G5S-6)
DeoxIT Gold is a unique conditioning solution that improves conductivity and provides long-lasting protection on gold, base metals and other precious metal contacts and connections (gold, silver, rhodium, copper, bronze, nickel, etc.). Recommended for critical applications where only slight cleaning action is necessary. DeoxIT Gold coats the entire surface, providing protection from abrasion, corrosion, arcing, RFI, and tarnishing. Use on connectors and contacts for maximum performance and protection. Temperature range: -45°C to 240°C. The GxL line of ProGold provides an extended temperature range (-45°C to 400°C), longer lasting, non-gumming/varnishing. Ideal for tube sockets! Provides light 5% coating of ProGold liquid. Adjustable valve. No ozone depleting CFCs. Flammable (until solvent evaporates).
142 grams / 6oz